Project Seishun

I customized slightly my theme based on the stock theme WP2011. But I'm not feeling enough satisfied and decide to spend some time in building my own theme. The new theme will be  named somewhat like Seishun or Sa Jeunesse. This theme is inspired by the website 粋屋 (, the 物語/monogatari series by 西尾維新/Nishio Ishin whose anime versions come always with a motto beginning with seishun and the lightnovel/anime entitled  やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。 which uses a mincho/song type font.

I'm not sure if I can complete this new theme in several springs, well, life is being hard, I have to struggle in some other affaires, and maybe several days later I'll have it renamed Manatsu. Nothing is impossible XD.

Les escaliers de la Butte sont durs aux miséreux; Les ailes des moulins protègent les amoureux
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2013-2024 鏡 @ がんばらないプロジェクト / 夜ノ森工房